Christina reviews a number of issues facing companies looking both to establish trademarks as well as those needing enforce and protect them. We invite you to read her interview, and as always, welcome your thoughts and comments.
With a joint Juris Doctorate and Masters of Public Health degree, Christina Licursi is not your typical trademark attorney. With many of her current clients being pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, her combined degree provides a perfect background for them. They have technical degrees or highly specialized expertise and therefore, appreciate working with an attorney who understands some of what they are talking about.
Christina also has a variety of clients in other industries, including food and beverage, clothing, software and telecommunications. In addition to trademark matters, Christina handles various copyright issues, domain name portfolio management and related disputes, and social media and internet matters.
To learn more about Chrisinta and her opinions on a wide range of topics, Click here to read Christina’s interview.